Adobe Business Catalyst End of Life Announcement
If your company’s website is built in Adobe Business Catalyst, you are probably in the process of deciding what to do now that Adobe has officially issued an “End of Life” announcement. First, don’t panic. Second, know that you do have options!
Although none of our current clients are affected by this announcement, we understand the difficulties this has caused for thousands of companies. If you are one of the companies now scrambling as a result of the Adobe Business Catalyst End of Life announcement, we are here to help.
- Casto Communications will offer companies with a website built on Adobe Business Catalyst a discounted rate on migrating their website to a new platform.
- We will also offer our special client rate for ongoing website support and search engine optimization services for companies we migrate to a new platform.
We advise acting sooner than later, as Adobe has indicated that no new features will be developed for Business Catalyst. They have also noted that while technical support will still be available, priority will be given to platform migration inquiries. Additionally, if you are going to continue to invest in your online presence, it is advisable to do so on a platform that will not be discontinued.
As of now, Adobe Business Catalyst customers have until March 26, 2021 to export their data. Adobe has indicated that data will not be available for download beyond the end of service date. If you would like to get started on migrating your Adobe Business Catalyst website to a new platform, call or e-mail us today.